Friday, May 14, 2010

Top Common Computer Problems and How to Fix Them

If you're a computer owner, you've probably experience one or more of the problems discussed in this blog at some point in time so you know just how frustrating they can be to deal with. Perhaps the most common computer problem that we see today is slow performance. Other common Computer Problems include spyware, malware, registry errors, and viruses.

Slow performance in computers can be caused by a number of things including excessive data storage, poor system configuration, inadequate processing power, and more. One quick and easy fix that can help improve your system performance is a disk cleanup, which removes old installation files that have been abandoned, temporary internet files, and other system files that are no longer needed. The defragment tool is another tool that can be used to help increase the efficiency of your system's hard drive. The defragment process rearranges the data on your hard drive in a manner that makes it more readable, thus more efficient.

Spyware is also a common computer problem that many users deal with at one time or another, unless they take the proper measures to protect themselves from it. Spyware can be removed from one's computer by using an antivirus software package which contains anti-spyware programs that help identify and eliminate these types of programs.

Another common computer problem that many often experience is malware, or malicious software, which can affect your computer through things like email attachments and peer to peer websites such as music download sites. The unsuspecting user may download a file from a peer to peer site and without knowing can have malware downloaded to their computer. Malware is particular hard to eliminate because of the nature of the way it is designed. One of the easiest, less drastic measures for eliminating malware is to use an anti-malware software, which like the anti-spyware software, will attempt to identify an eliminate malware on your computer. Other methods for eliminating this problem would be a system restore to prior date during your computer's lifetime, or to do a complete reinstall of your operating system.

Registry errors often times create processing issues and instability in your computer and can lead to the famous blue screen of death, which basically leaves you no choice but to completely restart your computer. One fix for registry errors that can possible help sort out issues is a registry cleaner. Another option for fixing registry errors is to run the system restore to a prior saved date. And finally, if all else fails, you can always perform a full reinstall of the operating system of your computer.

Hopefully you'll get lucky and never have to deal with any of these common Computer Problems, but if the time every does come, you'll at least have the knowledge needed to be able to identify and attempt to eliminate the issues you are facing with your PC.

Common Computer Problems - Identifying the Source Of Your Computer Related Headaches

Have you begun to notice a decrease in the level of performance of your personal PC? Are you beginning to experience more and more Computer Problems and are not sure what is causing them? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. Computer users across the globe just like yourself experience the same issues day in and day out, and sometimes it’s hard to identify exactly what the problems are. The following represent some of the more common Computer Problems that consumers see on a fairly frequent basis. Spyware is one of the biggest problems that can lead to deterioration in the level of performance that your computer would normally provide. This common computer problem typically comes from websites that you visit on the internet and are primarily designed for the purpose of personal information gathering. When installed on your PC, spyware can consume processing resources and cause a dramatic drop in the level of performance in your PC.

Another common computer problem that consumers see on a daily basis is registry errors, which can stem from a number of causes including failed software installations, missing file references, and more. When software is installed on your PC, this process often includes the need to modify your system registry, and if the software installation process is poorly developed, errors can occur causing incomplete and inaccurate information in your computer's registry. The system registry is the road map of your PC and having incomplete or erroneous information entered into it can lead to issues such as slow processing speed and application errors. Finally, viruses are becoming a rising issue with computers across the globe and are reeking having on the computers that they infect. A virus is any type of program that is made to perform any type of harmful or unwanted activity on your computer. Viruses can infect your PC through any type of information medium including the internet, CDs, flash drives, and more.

The trick to preventing these common Computer Problems is to develop a self awareness of your activities when using your PC. One of the major activities that you’ll want to be cautious of is online web browsing. This is one of the most common sources of the issues mentioned above and should not be taken lightly. Using good judgment and common sense when browsing the internet can be one of your biggest defenses and can save you a lot of trouble down the road.